Spence-Kummer's trilogarithm functional equation and the underlying geometry.
preprint, submitted.(arXiv: 2307.09414)
Duality-reflection formulas of multiple polylogarithms and their $\ell$-adic Galois analogues.
Math. J. Okayama Univ. 66, 159-169 (2024).(arXiv: 2307.09403)
Landen's trilogarithm functional equation and $\ell$-adic Galois multiple polylogarithms.
joint work with Hiroaki Nakamura,
to appear in "Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory" Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics.(arXiv: 2210.17182)
On $\ell$-adic Galois polylogarithms and triple $\ell$-th power residue symbols.
Kyushu J. Math. 75 (2021), 95–113.(arXiv: 1909.06705)
On functional equations of $\ell$-adic Galois polylogarithms.
Proceedings of the “Arithmetic Homotopy and Galois Theory” MFO-RIMS Tandem workshop, Germany & Kyoto, Oberwolfach Report 42 2023, 96-100.(https://publications.mfo.de/handle/mfo/4128)